Friday, September 2, 2011

Whatcha Got In Here? Friday

I'm starting a new tradition on PPUS.  It's called "Whatcha Got In Here? Fridays" and it fucking rules.

You probably could use a little primer on why this is funny.  Back in the day, and even today whenever I get the chance, I used to stroll into Jennifer's room and make my eyes all wide.  I'd look at her stuff with keen interest, occasionally picking something up (but it's funnier when I didn't) and ask her all nosy-like, "Whatcha got in here?"

She would immediately begin a freak-out, yelling at me to get out of her room to which I responded with maniacal laughter.

Don't ask me why I think this is funny, or why it got under Jennifer's skin so badly.  Perhaps one day Jennifer will post an explanation for this strange neurotic behavior.

But now on PPUS for "Whatcha Got In Here? Friday" I'll post a pic that perfectly illustrates the proper facial expression to perform the "Whatcha Got In Here?" exercise in annoying your younger sister.  Hope you enjoy today's "Whatcha Got In Here?" face and have a terrific THREE DAY WEEKEND!

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Do tell us your thoughts. We are sooooo interested.... (NO! REALLY! WE ARE!) *grumble* .........Damn sense of humor costing us friends left and freakin' right....*grumble grumble*